Resource Efficient Scotland

Resource Efficient Scotland

The Resource Efficient Scotland programme offers free advice and technical support as well as the sharing of best practices and new technologies. Embedding resource efficiency within Scottish organisations makes a significant contribution to the achievement of the Scottish Government’s strategic economic objectives, climate change, energy efficiency and zero waste targets.

Free Audits for SMEs

Covering all aspects of energy use, water consumption and waste, these free audits are designed to highlight your business’ best cost saving opportunities. With up to five days of consultancy available for a truly in-depth review of your entire operation, our technical experts can focus on the areas that most need improvement and where best to save you money.

Measuring and metering pilot

Available immediately, we can install temporary meters of most utilities and measure the actual consumption of plant or buildings. This can provide excellent information on poor behaviour, out-of-hours settings and waste. It is often the best way to obtain real financial information for business case preparation for a true return on investment.

Project Implementation Support

Finally, there is up to £20,000 worth of support available for specific resource-saving project implementation support, through the provision of a short-term skilled resource to undertake a particular project, with a focus on raw materials use, waste prevention, energy or water use. This may be to install new high-efficiency lighting, upgrade your heating system, insulate your premises or even install a renewable energy system.

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