Welsh Procurement Alliance (WPA)

Welsh Procurement Alliance

The Welsh Procurement Alliance (WPA) is a proven approach for procurement in Wales, created for organisations that buy products and services for the construction, refurbishment and maintenance of social housing and public buildings. Appointed to their new Energy Efficiency Consultancy Services framework, we are now able to offer Energy Management and Certification, Project Management and Specification and Asset Management services through this OJEU compliant framework.

​Core Consultancy Services

GEP Environmental have been appointed to the N8C Framework, the services available include:

Building Energy Management:

  • Building Energy Policy & Strategy Development
  • Energy Surveys and Audits
  • Monitoring and Targeting
  • Independent Report on Metering Arrangements (IRMA)
  • Chartered Surveyors Reports
  • Domestic and non-domestic BREEAM Assessments (for existing buildings)
  • Funding and Finance

Building Energy Certificates:

  • Display Energy Certificates (DEC) and Advisory Report (AR)
  • Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) Domestic
  • Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) Non-Domestic

Project Management:

  • Project Manager
  • Clerk of Works
  • Health & Safety
  • Principle Design duties
  • Health & Safety Advisors

Asset Management, Project Specification:

  • Energy Stock Condition Surveys and Reports
  • Product Specification and Procurement
  • Quantity Surveyors


The WPA framework is national, and GEP Environmental can offer our services nationally, with deliver of projects headed from Cardiff.


As well as providing compliance, quality and best value to members, WPA frameworks support a streamlined process from the award of a contract (call-off) to completion of a project.

  • Confirmed competitive market prices: prices in place at call-off stage maintaining best value as established in evaluation stages
  • Quick project starts: enabled by pre tendered procurement that reduces the cost and time input by public sector organisations and speeds up their access to approved framework suppliers
  • Instant access to project data: we will provide continuous access to information throughout the procurement process through the dedicated members only WPA on-line portal
  • High quality standards: quality maintained throughout the project through monitoring in accordance with ISO 9001 Quality Management System
  • Delivery periods guaranteed: ensure services and works are delivered to meet work schedules
  • Quick and efficient procurement: speedy access to WPA framework suppliers and the options of a mini-competition or direct award to enable the final selection of a supplier(s) for a project
  • Service levels guaranteed: from inquiry to supply providing peace of mind that services and works will be conducted effectively
  • Advice on design and regulatory compliance: our members receive guidance on interpretation and conformity to all statutory regulations and planning requirements


The WPA is backed by LHC, one of the leading and most respected procurement organisations in the UK. The WPA results from discussions with LHC members in Wales who saw the huge potential of having a centre of excellence for procurement – focused on construction and refurbishment – which exclusively addresses Welsh needs, standards and aspirations.

For more information, you can visit the Welsh Procurement Alliance website directly here.

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