Climate Change and Net Zero Carbon for Public Sector

Climate Change and Net Zero Carbon

In 2019 the UK Government declared an ‘Environmental and Climate Emergency’ and set a legally binding target to achieve Net Zero Carbon by 2050. It is the responsibility of both public and private sector organisations to lead the way to a decarbonised economy while demonstrating leadership and setting an example to their local communities.

Climate Change and Net Zero Carbon for the Public Sector

Public Sector organisations across the UK have now set their own Net Zero Carbon targets with many aiming to achieve Net Zero Carbon by 2030. Public Sector organisations are now seeking to tackle Climate Change at the local level and have declared their own Climate Emergencies with the aim to build greener, cleaner, safer, fairer, healthier, and more resilient public services whilst securing a green recovery from COVID-19.

Net Zero Carbon Challenges for the Public Sector

The public sector needs to undertake a rapid programme of decarbonisation across its built environment, infrastructure, and transport systems whilst maintaining continuity of services to the public. It will be extremely challenging to deliver the GHG emissions reductions that are required to achieve Net Zero Carbon on a cost-effective basis in a short period of time.

How can GEP Environmental help the Public Sector?

GEP Environmental provides services in key climate response areas including:

GEP Environmental have been trusted public sector advisors for nearly 20 years and have worked with Central Government, Local Authorities, London Boroughs, NHS Trusts & NHS Health Boards, Higher & Further Education and Emergency Response Services across the UK. Our team of experts is available to procure via several public sector frameworks, if you need more information on accessing these frameworks, please contact us.

Climate Change and Net Zero Carbon for the Private Sector

Private Sector organisations across the UK are also encouraged to set their own Net Zero Carbon targets, and organisations of all sizes are making changes to achieve this ambitious goal and address the carbon emissions associated with their business operations. Even more interesting? Employees are paying attention to their organisation’s sustainability policies – a recent report from McKinsey found that employees of all levels are engaged and knowledgeable about their organisation’s sustainability activities. An organisation’s sustainability goals matter for employees, making them an important recruitment and retention tool.

Net Zero Carbon Challenges for the Private Sector

Organisations and businesses are working hard to achieve decarbonisation goals – but many businesses are finding it difficult to balance decarbonisation and the associated costs. However, what many Private Sector organisations may not know is that decarbonisation can reduce overhead costs, ensuring a business’ future in a world where consumers are more concerned with sustainability than ever.

How can GEP Environmental help the Private Sector?

As the world moves toward a Net Zero future, sustainability is an ever-growing priority for businesses of all sizes. Currently, large organisations and businesses supplying public sector contracts are required to comply with environmental legislation, which ranges from emissions reporting to mandating a published path to Net Zero Carbon. This is especially true of those supplying public sector organisations – following the release of PPN 06/21, all businesses supplying public sector organisations on contracts worth more than £5 million are required to have a Carbon Reduction Plan in place to submit a compliant bid. It’s becoming integral to embed sustainability and emissions reduction into a business model to future-proof a business (and the world at large).

The GEP Environmental team provides services in key climate response areas including:

  • GHG Emissions Scoping, Baseline and monitoring, ensuring that businesses have the full picture of their emissions profile
  • Setting Net Zero Carbon Targets that can be monitored annually, keeping capital investments within budget
  • GHG Emissions Trajectory Modelling, allowing businesses to target areas of greatest emissions first
  • Carbon Reduction Plan (PPN 06/21), ensuring businesses are compliant with tender requirements
  • Carbon Reduction Projects, including Project Identification and Project Management
  • Individual Product Carbon Footprint
  • Carbon Offsetting and Sequestration Strategy

GEP Environmental also provide carbon reporting support to organisation that qualify for the Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting framework and Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS). These mandatory reporting requirements create the opportunity for an organisation to have a better understanding of their organisations operational carbon emissions and can be incorporated into wider corporate strategic aims. For more information about the ways that the GEP Environmental team could help your business develop your Net Zero Carbon strategy, get in touch today.

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