Measurement & Verification

Measurement & Verification

Measurement & Verification (M&V) should be an integral part of any major energy project. GEP Environmental provide a comprehensive range of measurement and verification support services within a project framework or by acting as an independent Verifier of Energy Efficiency Savings. Whether specified as part of a formal Energy Performance Contract, or informally to confirm an internal return on investment, our M&V services give the assurance that planned savings are being realised.

GEP Environmental provide a comprehensive range of measurement and verification support services within a project framework or by acting as an independent Verifier of Energy Efficiency Savings.

Our M&V services include:

  • Metering and monitoring advice and implementation of software and hardware systems
  • Energy consumption and “energy driver” data collation and report formatting
  • Development or sign off for simple or complex M&V plans including for large infrastructure projects
  • Determination of base line conditions and base line adjustments
  • Determination of adequate metering points
  • Determination of routine and non-routine adjustment criteria
  • Adjustment calculation and verification
  • Independent development and sign off for periodic and annual reconciliation reports

International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol

We use the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) as a recognised international methodology for ascertaining energy efficiency savings. Being independent provides assurance that savings claimed are accurately measured and verified so that all parties, whether the end client, investor, energy supply company, service provider or other stakeholders can be assured of the legitimacy of savings. We always strive for practical and cost effective ways of measuring and adjudicating savings which will lead to the mitigation of commercial or contractual disputes during reporting year periods.

GEP Environmental employ a number of Certified Measurement and Verification Professionals (CMVP) who also have extensive practical and professional project engineering skills and are actively verifying project savings across a range of energy efficiency frameworks including the London Re:fit programme and the Carbon & Energy Fund.

Metering & Monitoring

Lord Kelvin is often quoted for saying; “That which you do not measure, you cannot control.”

Effective energy management can deliver significant cost savings. The ability to meter and monitor energy consumption against specific targets is a fundamental component of this.

Automatic Meter Reading is also playing an increasingly important role in fulfilling carbon trading scheme obligations, such as the EU Emissions Trading Scheme and the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme, and other Corporate Social Responsibility commitments.

We specialise in determining the most compliant yet cost effective metering and measurement solution for building or project measurement and verification of usage performance and are able to provide a turnkey solution for all of your metering and monitoring needs.

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