Decarbonisation Workshops

Decarbonisation Workshops for Food & Drink Organisations in Wales

GEP Environmental is pleased to be delivering a series of decarbonisation workshops to food and drink organisations in Wales via Food & Drink Skills Wales, a programme funded by the Welsh Government. These courses are designed give small businesses the skills required to make decisions on how to move towards net zero, share best practice with colleagues and implement changes to your business strategies, technology and processes.

Who should attend these Decarbonisation Workshops?

The Decarbonisation Workshops are designed for food and drink manufacturing and processing businesses in Wales. These interactive workshops are delivered online, and focus on encouraging discussion to share experiences and ask questions. Courses are available on the following dates:

  • 9th January
  • 16th January
  • 23rd January
  • 30th January
  • 6th February

Course Objectives:

The course objectives are to achieve an understanding of:

  • The importance of moving the food and beverage sector towards Net Zero Carbon, and how sustainability activity can support this
  • Familiarity with a range of energy efficiency and management actions that can be implemented by your organisation to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions
  • Awareness of the practical applications of different sustainability activities, and an ability to outline whether these actions may be feasible to implement within your organisation
  • Ability to communicate with others how sustainability activities will support your organisation with decarbonisation

What will you learn?

Covering five specific topics, the free online workshops are a must for businesses looking to move toward net zero. Topics include:

  • Energy efficiency and management;
  • Renewables;
  • Decarbonisation of heating,
  • Decarbonisation of cooling and refrigeration systems;
  • Decarbonisation of food waste and packaging.

In addition to the workshops themselves, all delegates can book a free one-to-one session with one of our environmental consultant trainers to maximise the impacts of their learnings on the business.

How will you benefit?

Net zero is unique for every business. These workshops focus on a variety of topics, from very tangible reductions in food waste and packaging to identifying the aspects of a business’ decarbonisation journey that are less visible, but just as important. In addition, these workshops are designed to help your organisation take the next steps to become more sustainable. Supported by our environmental consultants, there is no limit to what can be achieved.

To book a place/s on the free courses, please contact:

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Would you like to book your place on Decarbonisation Workshops for Food & Drink Organisations in Wales?

Simply click the button below and one of our Trainers will call you back

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